A Revolutionary Cash Offer Program

Coltmor Realty Co's cash advantage program is revolutionizing the way people move. Exclusively available to Coltmor Realty Co clients, this program empowers buyers to submit offers with the same swiftness as cash, without any additional costs. With our program, clients experience a staggering 300%+ increase in acceptance rates and slash the time to purchase a home by 50% or more! Say goodbye to the constraints of selling before buying – our program allows you to secure your dream home without the contingency to sell your current property or lengthy delays in the moving process.

Here's how it operates:

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Initiate contact

Reach out to us, and we'll gather essential details about the property. Depending on its condition, an inspection may or may not be necessary.

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Receive cash offers

We'll procure multiple cash offers from reputable and accredited home buyers in our local marketplace.

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Review and decide

We'll present all the cash offers to you, providing the opportunity to scrutinize each one before making a decision. It's straightforward – accept the highest offer or none at all.

Reach Out to Us

Ready to take advantage of this game-changing opportunity? Get started with Coltmor Realty Co today!